Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I know in December I pointed you all to a new blog. We had some name server issues with the hosting company. I have had a bunch o'friends test it and since the name server it SHOULD work. Thank you ann for alerting me to the index issue. I never could see it from my machine - totally wild.

Well I have been a good blogger over on my new blog. Please come check it out!

Monday, December 15, 2008

New Blog

Well I have hinted, okay mentioned, I had a new blog in the works. YAY it is finally done!! Check it out. I have a ton of drafted posts saved up for this new blog.

New Blog Click Here

Be sure to update your RSS feeds and say hello - we love comments.

love * life * peace * joy


Thursday, October 30, 2008


In Colorado we have one more day for early voting. Hubby and I did ours two nights ago. Here is something great for everyone.

Enjoy and Vote! Remember you matter!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Coming Out...

So I have a confession...I am a closet knitter. I do it a.lot. as in almost every day I pick up the needles as to find something rhythmic and calm in what has been a crazy year.

This weekend I went to a retreat with my fantastic friend heather to help her with her yarn, enjoy my time and knit. We took a class at the retreat with the amazing anne hanson where she taught us some cool things such as knitted on borders and fantastic lace fun. Heather currently has my little project that I completed, but I will show you all soon.

During our trip I took a little photo safari in the town of los ojos. Here are a few of my faves:
Freshly Baked Cookies
Freshly Baked Cookies

One on One
This one (and the next two as well) were SOOC only resized for web.
One on One

Again SOOC and just cropped a bit

And perhaps one of my favorites from the safari "Dirty Laundry"
Yep can you believe that sky? SOOC (Straight out of Camera) again!
Dirty Laundry

On Sunday before we left Heather, Laurie and I went to walk a Labyrinth. I caught this capture of Heather meditating without her noticing:

On the way back I saw these two scenes.

Path to the Foot of God - again...this path traveled to the foot of this mesa and really to me it looked where God has come from the heavens and touched the earth.

Church (look at the chair) I have to tell you this is my type as church because looking at a scene like this I cannot imagine one not feeling closer to a higher power. After the Labyrinth I was feeling way close to God and my inner self as well and to see both of these scenes still take my breath away.

Thank you for letting me share and "come clean" about my knitting. Perhaps I will share more of it soon.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Goodnight Dear Friend...

Goodnight sweet Kashmir.
I will remember when you fit into my palm and nibbled my ear.
I will remember your warm belly on my toes at night.
I will remember you protection and gentle grows.
I will remember your belly rubs in the morning.
I will remember you sweet smile.
I will remember your soft fur.

I will remember you my friend may you not have any more pain. Sweet puppy I will miss you.


Friday, October 3, 2008

Be Like Julie

It has been ages. Illness and Vacations and Life...but updates on the new blog this weekend!

First - This is the MOST IMPORTANT THING TODAY!!!!!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Welcome to the World Little R

I have to admit when I first needed (I say need because really it was) to get into photography I always loved pics of teeny tiny babies. Love to look at them sleeping and peaceful. I remember my little guy when he slept in my arms. In all that time I never thought I would be so touched by the families I meet.

Last weekend, I had the pleasure of meeting Michelle and her little guy R. Michelle is the perfect new mother she was peaceful and nurturing to R; so attentive and careful but at the same time exudes grace and calm.

I talked to Michelle earlier in the week to discuss what she hoped for. She just came home from the hospital and she really wanted to capture lil R before he grew up. You see she told me her birth story and usually I am touched when I hear these. This time, I absolutely was in tears by the time I was off the phone. You see Michelle’s husband right now is over in Iraq. He is with the Marine Reserves and was sent over there in July. Yes just a month shy of seeing his son be born. Well the night Michelle was in Labor they were talking on the phone. She was not in delivery yet, but he had to go to sleep for an hour or so to be ready for work the next day. Before they hung up he told her he would call right before work. Well new daddy has fantastic timing he called and 15 minutes later little R was welcomed into this world. He got to hear him cry over the phone. I know the video has probably reached him by now, but I know even though he was miles away his heart was there with his son. I can’t wait for daddy to come home safely so we can do a proper family picture. Until then I wanted dad to see some of my favorites.

See Daddy he is such a happy little guy!

I always love little fingers and toes.

Look at these beautiful eyes.

This little face just cracks me up! Michelle I think he was wondering why that big kid was making so much noise ;)

But then he decided to just not worry about it and do what he does best...grow...sleep and grow.

And finally maybe my favorite from the day.

I can't wait to see you guys again.

Love * Life * Peace * Joy


p.s. Daddy we got a GREAT pic with little R with your hat, but the tag has your name on it so I will just email that pic to Michelle.